22 (Brooke’s Version) : Dunedin Fringe Festival

22 (Brooke’s Version)

Presented by: Brooke Being Brooke / 36 Expressions

From: New York, United States

Comedy Performance Art Spoken Word Storytelling

New York comedian and Moth StorySLAM Champ’s New Year’s Eve. Brooke’s ready to change her life New Year's Day. Ideally, Feb 2nd.

See tickets below

Presented by: Brooke Being Brooke / 36 Expressions

From: New York, United States

New Year! New You? Join New York Comedian/Moth StorySLAM Champ's New Year's Eve celebration, reflection, resolution. 

A nonfiction narrative comedy, “overflowing with references, humor and insane wordplay:” “witty, relevant, interesting, relatable.”

Come laugh with Brooke as she trips and falls fighting spacetime continuum, economy, patriarchy, fertility, while trying to get a date. 

In her mental pop-culture/Broadway musical (Swifties enjoy an invisibly-strung Eras tour), Brooke campaigns to lead a better future. 

She's ready to change her life this New Year's Day. Ideally, February 2nd.

Sold-out Edinburgh Fringe ‘24, ‘23, Off-off Broadway workshops.
Previous: ★★★★ The Skinny, ★★★★ TheatreWeekly, ★★★★ LondonTheatre1

“Smart comedy for smart people;” 
“A wild ride;” 
“Fast-paced, quick-witted stand-up/storytelling mashup;” 
“Truly never experienced anything like that;” 
“One of the best shows at the Fringe;” 
“Incredible storyteller, incredible commentary;” 
“Every minute is jam packed with clever cultural references;” 
“Brilliantly written and performed;” 
“Brooke is a gem: charming, great energy, a joy to behold;” 
“Highly inspirational message embedded;” 
“Brooke unpacks her life like a jack-in-the box - you have to be on your game to keep pace;” 
“Truly makes you think;” 
“That was ridiculous;” 
“Just YES!” “Absolutely brilliant;” “Impressive;” “Amazing;” “Fantastic;” “Hilarious;” “Lovely;” “Highly recommended;” 
“The comedy is good, the life advice is really good;” 
“Brooke for President. If she were in charge, the world would be a better place;” 
“If you’re a musical theatre / pop culture fan, you’ll enjoy catching the references; if you’re not, you’ll still be getting the full story - there’s truly something for every audience;” 
“A lot of truth to all that;” 
“So fun, so relatable, so funny, so clever;” 
“I can’t stop smiling”

For lovers of change, time, renewal, resolutions, laughs, loves, musicals, pop culture, Taylor Swift, ridiculously alternative political candidates, and anyone who is, or knows someone, exceptional, who is single - join the campaign: brookeforpresident.com

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16 years +
Checking for Tickets

*Fees may apply


Suburbia Eatery & Nightlife

153 Stuart Street Central Dunedin

Additional Accessibility Information
The Fringe Production Team is currently gathering (additional) accessibility information about this venue: please check back later or email info@dunedinfringe.nz if you have questions.

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Dunedin Fringe envisions a city ignited by creativity, where all people embrace art, culture and creativity into their daily lives.

We have a mission to provide platforms for creative expression that help nurture communities. We have a special focus on supporting emerging artists, and the development of new and experimental work.

We produce the Dunedin Fringe Festival, Amped Music Project and New Zealand Young Writers Festival annually, curate the White Box Gallery, and manage the performing arts venue Te Whare o Rukutia.

Our Contacts

Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust
19 George Street,
Dunedin 9016,
Aotearoa New Zealand

03 477 3350