Check in and check out. Step away from the demands of adulthood and reconnect with the creativity inherent in childhood
Presented by: Suitcase Theatre Dunedin
From: Ōtepoti | Dunedin
Check Your Adult at the Door is an invitation for adults (18+ please) to re-engage with the principles of play. Step away from the relentless demands of adult life for a moment and let your brain relax.
Visitors to the space will be invited to 'check-in' their symbols of adulthood - cellphones, car keys, ties and uncomfortable shoes (note: this is a symbolic exercise, some people may choose to simply turn off their phones but all property 'checked in' will be securely stored).
From here you 'play' - read a book or do a puzzle. There will be fingerpaints, blocks and lego. Stay for a minute or an hour. Does anyone remember playcentre? It's like that, but for 'grown ups'.
How to visit:
Think of the space as an exhibition - pop in during our open hours (event details on Facebook) and stay as long as you like. Suitcase Theatre is donating this project to Ōtepoti Dunedin: this means the event is FREE and no bookings are required.
If you have any accessibility needs or questions, please flick us a message through our event page or email
A quiet hour (with managed lighting) will be available in every opening session, please see our Facebook event to find out when.
When and where:
We are working with Dunedin Dream Brokerage - awesome! This means the details about where the project is happening will be available just before the big event. Keep an eye on our event page for all this useful stuff.
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