Every year, Fringe Co-Director Kate Schrader tries to convince the team to do karaoke. Every year, she is denied.
See tickets below
Presented by: Dunedin Fringe Festival
From: Ōtepoti | Dunedin
This year she's throwing her dream into your hands, good people of Ōtepoti Dunedin! Join Fringe for a night of karaoke: the artform worshipped by the most annoying people you went to high school with. Come see your favourite artists from the festival duke it out against members of the general public! Better yet, sign up to do a number yourself. Throw your name into the goblet of fire and await your fate. Will your name be drawn? Will it be your night to SHINE?!
Spot prizes! Special guests! Costumes encouraged! The high likelihood that your song is out of your vocal range and you humiliate yourself in front of your peers. The low likelihood that you are discovered by a hot shot record producer and whisked away to fame and fortune.
How do I sign up? By following this link of course.
Can I sign up on the night? Yes, we encourage it.
I just wanna watch my friend make a fool of themselves, I don't want to do a number. Can I come? Of course. Just make sure you grab a (Pay What You Want) ticket.
Am I guaranteed a performance slot? Nope. *Naomi Smalls voice* Life's not fair. But to make it as fair as possible, performers will be rAndOmLy SeLeCtEd on the night, which is how you know this event is cool and sexy. Unless five people sign up to do Defying Gravity, then we'll probably have to step in.
Look, if nobody signs up it's going to be the Fringe team being coerced into singing for an hour and a half. Participate, or workplace bullying will take place. You don't need that on your conscience in this crazy world.
MC'ed by Kate Schrader out of inexplicable and eventually deeply regretted hubris.
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