Story of Your Life : Dunedin Fringe Festival

Story of Your Life

Presented by: Improsaurus

From: Ōtepoti | Dunedin

Improvisation Comedy Storytelling Theatre

Is it just us, or are the years going by faster and faster?

Presented by: Improsaurus

From: Ōtepoti | Dunedin

Ōtepoti's BEST (and only) improv troupe presents: The Story of Your Life! Inspired by an audience member's life, we'll make up a story on the spot. Reminisce on memories: good, bad, fun and sad. The time will fly by!

Improsaurus is Dunedin's own critically acclaimed improvised comedy troupe, founded in 2009. We create long form improv with an original format every fortnight. Our focus is honest story telling. It's even funny too!

P.S. Hate audience participation? No worries, it's always voluntary.

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Koha | Pay at the Door

16 years +
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Yours Cafe & Venue

43 Moray Place Dunedin Central Dunedin 9016

| Wheelchair Access YES

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About Us

Dunedin Fringe envisions a city ignited by creativity, where all people embrace art, culture and creativity into their daily lives.

We have a mission to provide platforms for creative expression that help nurture communities. We have a special focus on supporting emerging artists, and the development of new and experimental work.

We produce the Dunedin Fringe Festival, Amped Music Project and New Zealand Young Writers Festival annually, curate the White Box Gallery, and manage the performing arts venue Te Whare o Rukutia.

Our Contacts

Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust
19 George Street,
Dunedin 9016,
Aotearoa New Zealand

03 477 3350