The Story of the Tower : Dunedin Fringe Festival

The Story of the Tower


Digital/Online Physical Theatre C Arts Digital

Hirai-Kikaku and Media Kobo with C ARTS

See tickets below


Avant-garde performance created from three elements. With the rapid development of technology, we can instantly exchange words with someone far away. How will language change as we confront each other as anonymous bodies with no physical connection? Inspired by the mythical Tower of Babel, this work uses excerpts from Yasunari Kawabata’s One Arm, Mimei Ogawa’s The Black Tower, and an automatic transcription of the breaking news of the 2001 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. Take a peek through the camera at the dismemberment and reconnection of body and words.

Performed in a mixture of Japanese and English.

Created by Mitsuko Hirai and Rob Moreno

Performed and Choreographed by Yoshiko Imamura

Dramaturgy and Research | Mitsuko Hirai

Cinematography | Rob Moreno

Showing as part of of the C ARTS programme of digital performance |


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7 years +
Content Warning

Some distressing themes


Dunedin Fringe Online Venue

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About Us

Dunedin Fringe envisions a city ignited by creativity, where all people embrace art, culture and creativity into their daily lives.

We have a mission to provide platforms for creative expression that help nurture communities. We have a special focus on supporting emerging artists, and the development of new and experimental work.

We produce the Dunedin Fringe Festival, Amped Music Project and New Zealand Young Writers Festival annually, curate the White Box Gallery, and manage the performing arts venue Te Whare o Rukutia.

Our Contacts

Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust
19 George Street,
Dunedin 9016,
Aotearoa New Zealand

03 477 3350