Welcome! : Dunedin Fringe Festival


Stars WELCOME Stars

Nau mai, haere mai! We’re delighted to welcome you to the Dunedin Fringe Festival 2023!

He mihi mīharo, he mihi aroha ki ngā mana whenua Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe me Waitaha. Tēnā koutou katoa. The Fringe whānau acknowledge Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe and Waitaha as the kaitiaki of this beautiful place.
We also want to thank Gareth McMillan, outgoing Dunedin Fringe Director, for the love and energy he’s poured into this organisation, and the artists it supports, over the last 5 years. Dunedin Fringe 2023 wouldn’t be happening without his efforts. Thank you G!
When we came together as a new leadership team in December 2022, we talked about what we wanted Dunedin Fringe Festival 2023 to be. Top of the list was ‘joyful’: we wanted it to be a joyous experience for our staff, artists and audiences. After the challenges of the last few years, we all need an abundance of joy in our lives!
We have a shared vision for a city that is ignited by creativity: a city where all people embrace art, culture and creativity into their daily lives; a city that celebrates its artists as the changemakers and visionaries they are. So get out there! Soak up the buzz Fringe brings to the city, support our talented Fringe artists who’ve come from near and far (welcome back international artists!), and have a joyful time!

Kate Schrader, Ruth Harvey & Katrina Thomson
Dunedin Fringe Leadership Team


About Us

Dunedin Fringe envisions a city ignited by creativity, where all people embrace art, culture and creativity into their daily lives.

We have a mission to provide platforms for creative expression that help nurture communities. We have a special focus on supporting emerging artists, and the development of new and experimental work.

We produce the Dunedin Fringe Festival, Amped Music Project and New Zealand Young Writers Festival annually, curate the White Box Gallery, and manage the performing arts venue Te Whare o Rukutia.

Our Contacts

Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust
19 George Street,
Dunedin 9016,
Aotearoa New Zealand

03 477 3350